m: 0787 791 7796 t: e: jo@acedogtraining.co.uk

Welcome to Ace Puppy and Dog Training Classes in Mangotsfield, Bristol, BS16

Current puppy training courses are for 5 consecutive weeks and total cost is £70. (pups 5 months and under)

  • Wednesday 19th March 6.30pm to 7.30pm (last lesson 16/4) in Pucklechurch – 2 spaces
  • Tuesday 29th April 6pm to 7pm (last lesson 27/5) in our hall in Mangotsfield – 3 spaces

(More information please see our puppy training page)

Current 5 month plus and adult dog training course is for 4 consecutive weeks and total cost is £52

  • Tuesday 25th March 6pm to 7pm (last lesson 15/4) in our Mangotsfield hall – 3 spaces

(more information please see our dog training page)

Ace Secure dog walking field at Itchington, North Bristol

The walking field can be booked online or contact Jo.  The online booking link is on the secure dog walking page.

Prices are £6 for 20 mins, £10 for 50 mins, £15 for 1hr 20mins with no limit to dogs but limited to 3 cars.

Agility dog training facility at Itchington, North Bristol

The dog training facility has an outdoor grass paddock and an indoor astro turf barn.

The facility is available for dog trainers and handlers who either train or compete at agility.

Please contact Jo to book and for more information.


Dog training in Mangotsfield, Bristol

Group classes for dogs with previous training. Tuesday 7.10pm in Mangotsfield, Bristol

Secure dog field & Agility Training Facility

Off lead large field and a training paddock for your dog £10hr

Puppy Training Bristol

Reward based puppy classes in Mangotsfield, Bristol