m: 0787 791 7796 t: e: jo@acedogtraining.co.uk

Secure dog field & Agility Training Facility

Located in Itchington, North Bristol (near Thornbury).

The secure field

The secure field can be booked through our online booking system. There are 2 options. Please see the video on this page:-

The secure field is our off lead walking field which is around 1.4 acres. This is where you can let your dog off lead to have a lovely run around. You drive into this field onto the gravel area, shut a gate so secure. There is contained rain water for your dogs, shelter, chairs and some agility equipment (jumps, tunnel, 6 weaves).

The venue provides poo bins, a toilet at the main entrance and lights for dark mornings and evenings.

The Agility Training Facility

The facility has a grass paddock with agility equipment and a 14m by 19m indoor cushion astroturf also with agility equipment.

The facility is available to train between your current lesson, to practice skills for competitions and for dog trainers. Sadly it is not available for have a go agility.

To book please contact Jo

Dog training in Mangotsfield, Bristol

Puppy Training Bristol